Facebook is awesome for generating fitness leads and making your gym stand out.
It’s not rocket science, and you don’t need to be an expert to figure out what works online and what doesn’t but you’ll need a strategy.
The great news is that there are tips and tricks that will not only help you to create a successful marketing campaign but also build brand awareness in the long-run.
1. Who are you are speaking too?
You might say that you’re speaking to everyone because everyone deserves to feel fit, healthy and happy, right? But no one has the budget to cover the whole community, and it’s more than likely that not everyone wants and needs your service. In order to reach the right people who are more likely to convert, you’ll have to know your audience.
Let’s say that you own a gym in Sydney and there’s a mums and bubs class you would like to promote. Think about who your ideal member is? In this case, let’s suggest you target women, ages 25 – 45 who are parents of school-aged children.
2. Creating your offer
Now it’s time to make an ideal offer for your ideal member. Think about what triggers her and what keeps her motivated. Why is it so hard to make the first step and start exercising? Why can’t she stay consistent? Now, make it easy – offer value.
Your offer is a week for free. In that way, you’ll promote a seven-day free trial and a fun event that engages people. They’ll be able to try out the workouts and really feel how great it is to be a part of your community. Once they’re in, remind them of your special offer or a three month membership for the price of two months – make it easy for them to stay.

3. Creating your landing page
It’s time to get creative and bit wordy. Your objective is website traffic and you need a landing page. Now it’s time to write about your event, a free 7- day trial and your special offer. Put the most valuable info in focus; in this case, that would be a 7-week trial.
Let them know that they can try out the workouts and see for themselves that the program is awesome. At the end of the text, sum-up all the info and put a CTA (call to action). In this case, CTA would be “Sign up for a 7-week trial”. The target is being asked to provide very minimal information—name, email address, and phone number. It would also be great if you could communicate that the offer is limited because they’ll opt-in faster.
4. How to create a Facebook Ad?
Now that you have a landing page with all the info, you’ll need a creative add that will hook your audience. Again, communicate one thing at a time and make it clear. Choose a great photo and write interesting copy with a clear CTA in the end.
If you are talking about your 7 days free trial themed workouts, ask them to join you and to call their friends because it’s free for everyone. Mention the workshops and let them know that they should sign up on time because the offer is limited.
5. Create a buzz
Use social media to make people talk about your event and free trial. You can even post a countdown a few days earlier, or invite an influential mum to join the free 7-week themed trial.
6. Remind them of the promotion
They are already on a trial and they love the workouts but don’t let them forget how easy it is to become a member. You can use the email list you got from the subscription form on the landing page and send those leads an email with all the info about your special offer of a three months membership for the price of two months.
7. Keep offering value
Congratulations! Now you have new members, the old ones are staying loyal and there’s a new buzz about your gym.
Write a blog post about great healthy recipes or recipes for kids and send it in a newsletter to women who have signed up for your trial. There’s a strong possibility that not all of them used the opportunity to train for free, but if you stay in touch with them by helping them, they’ll remember you the next time they decide to hit the gym.